I introduce about my hometown Kumamoto this time. Kumamoto Prefecture, located in the center of Kyusyu island is blessed with a natural environment and scenic beauty of which the Mt.Aso region and the Amakusa archipelago are naturally famous examples.
Especially, I will introduce beautiful sight of Kumamoto. There are many good and famous places. I show you my favorite 4 places. Enjoy seeing them!:-)
First of all, I introduce the symbol of Kumamoto, Kumamoto castle. Kumamoto castle was built by Kiyomasa Kato. He is very famous in Kumamoto and also in Japan. He was a general in the Warring State Period. He fought with Takamori Saigo. People who live in Kumamoto call Seisyoko-san. It means Kiyomasa Kato. The people of Kumamoto prefecture like Kiyomasa Kato and Kumamoto castle. It is said that Kumamoto castle is emblematic of people. Most foreign people who came Kumamoto go to Kumamoto castle. And they can enjoy the view of the castle. http://kumamotoben.jp/en/photos-castle.html
Second, show you a good night view spot in Kumamoto. We have some good night view spot. I have 2 my favorite night spot. It is Inorino-Oka(The Prayer Hill) and Hanaoka-yama(Hanaoka mountain). Whenever people see the night view they always say" Wow! So beutiful!" You have to use a car to go these place. The Prayer Hill is located near Tasaki Market. And Hnaoka Mountain is behind Kumamoto station. If you take your girlfriend, she must be very happy. The Prayer Hill http://view.adam.ne.jp/e_setoy/pic/kyusyu/inori.html
The Hanaoka Mountain http://www.yado.co.jp/kankou/kumamoto/kumamsi/hanaokayama/
And next is my hometown. There is also good place. My hometown is Yamato town. There are many trees, hills, mountains and rivers. These are very beautiful! You know there aren't many shops like Shimotori and Kamitori but there are good spot. And we have good things to eat. Sansai(local vegetables) is speciality in Yamato. Yamato is consist of three twons. Yabe town, Seiwa village and Soyo town. Yabe is famous for Tujyun bidge and Seiwa village is famous for Bunraku. There are many good thing in my home town.
Yabe townhttp://www.maff.go.jp/soshiki/koukai/muratai/21j/english/no5/mura07.html
Seiwa village http://www.pref.kumamoto.jp/traffic/artpolis/english/links/020.html
Soyo town http://www.pref.kumamoto.jp/traffic/artpolis/english/links/046.html
Could you understand my information of Kumamoto? There are good placcese in Kumamoto. After I graduate University, I want to find my job in Kumamoto because I like Kumamoto very much. And I tell many people how good prefecture Kumamoto is!

I read a famous Disney story this week. I read NEMO. Most of people know this story,I think. This story is about a parent and a child of tropical fish. There are also many kinds of fishes.
One day NEMO strained from his father, and he had many many experiences. He swam in the huge sea alone and he met many fishes to go back to his home and to see his father. And also NEMO's father finds his son desperately.
If I were a fish, and If I will be caught by a human, I must feel scary.
NEMO is very strong and very brave. He is only a child but he tried to run away from human by himself.
After I read this story I was moved. This story tell us about family love. It's a beautiful story.

Under the sea.....
I found a book "TITANIC" in library bookshelf.
TITANIC is the most famous ship all over the world. TITANIC was found by French and American sailors in North Atlantic in 1985.
TITANIC is the biggest ship in the world. This ship was made by fifteen thousand people. They made it in 1912, in Belfast, Northern Ireland. The weight was 24,900 tons!
But TITANIC went down into the deep sea in April 12,1912.
This story is famous for the film too. Leading stars are Leonardo DeCaprio and Kate Winslet. I watched the film many times!
If I can ride a submarine, I want to search in the TITANIC. I think there are many many mystery in TITANIC!

I read ENGLAND which is written by John Escott. I found this book in t
he University Library. After I read this book I thought "I wanna visit England!!!!!!" This book is written about England's cities,Theme Parks,Lake or National Parks,Cinema or Theatre,Music,Eating or Drinking,Clothes,Shopping and Sports. It was very interesting.;-D

I'm interested in Clothes and Shopping. There are many shops who is famous fashion designers in London. For example, Versace, Donna Karan and Calvin Klein. And every year in February and September, there is an important fashion event. It is called London Fashion Week. People from all over the world come and see England's wonderful new clothes. I want to see the event!

I read Scooby-Doo! And The Snow Monster. It was interesting story. Scooby-Doo is a long-running American animated television series produced for Saturday morning television in several different versions from 1969 to the present. It is very famous in America. Also in Japan.
Scooby is a dog's name. He can talk,skiing and even dancing! He is very cute dog.:-) My pet Fuji will never do such a thing! haha!
This story is about Fred,Scooby and his friends went skiing but the slopes are empty and there is a snow monster on the mountain. He is keeping people away. And Scooby will get rid of the snow monster!
Korean sake

Last Sunday, I drank Makkoli. It was my first time to drank it. Do you know Makkoli? It is Korean sake. The color is white. It looks like milk. Makkoli is close to Doburoku Sake (Japanese Sake). The taste is mild and little sour. I like the taste.;-) If you want to drink it, you can buy at convenience store.
Makkoli is made from rice. Korean often drink Makkoli with meals.

Can you understand what is this? Guess...!!!;-D
This is cucumber. I ordered Morokyu when I went to my favorite Izakaya. Do you know Morokyu? It is famous dish in Kumamoto. It is also traditional dish. Cucumber and soybean paste. It's close to salad.
When the waiter bring Morokyu to our table, I and my friend said "Wow! It's so beautiful!!" I haven't understand how to make this. It's professional skill!
How beautiful are they!

I went to The Agricultural Park which is in Koshi city. The Rose Festival is held in the park now. There are 290 kinds of roses. I went to the park to see the roses with my family last Sunday. The weather was very good so we enjoyed seeing them.;-D
There were many kind of roses. Japanese Rose,English Rose something like that. The color and shape is different. I like flower very much. Flower make people relax.:-) My grandmother bought some seedlings. She loves gardening.
Birthday Party!
This is one of my favorite book. I think there are a lot of people who know this story. Right? I have watched this film many times. The leading actress is Whoopi Goldberg in movie.http://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/
It was first time to read this story in English.

The story is very very interesting. It's about some sisters and the chapel. There were many troubles between sisters and inhabitants. But the heroine solve them. I like music very much and I graduated a Catholicism high school so I could sympathy with this story.
It was first time to read this story in English.

The story is very very interesting. It's about some sisters and the chapel. There were many troubles between sisters and inhabitants. But the heroine solve them. I like music very much and I graduated a Catholicism high school so I could sympathy with this story.

I read In The Night Kitchen. It is picture book but not so easy. This is American picture book. This is published in 1970 in America. Picture book makes me always happy because there are many pretty picture and figure. And it also colorful!:-) I can read the story with enjoying.
In The Night Kitchen is interesting story. The story is about a man who works at a restaurant.

I read The Neverending Story. It is fantasy story as Harry Potter. There is no magic and no witch. But there were many mysterious animals in thin film. For example talking stone turtle and Falcon! Falcon looks like a dragon but he is very gentle and pretty face. I have watched this movie when I was a child. But I think to read is much better.:-)
The story is mysterious and fantasied A boy has to help a pretty princess. And the princess is sooo cute and sweet! I could imagine her when I read it. It was little hard for me to read the story in English but I finished reading with my dictionary!
I really recommend this book and film to you!

This is one of my favorite Purikura that I've ever take. This is me,my sister,my brother and my boyfriend. We took this in claire shopping mall. We had a lunch together and bought something. I was fun. I met one of my friend Erika at Starbucks coffee. She works there as a part time job. I bought 2 kind of coffees because I like coffee very much!:-) But it's little expensive I think. What do you think?

Last weekend my boyfriend came to my house. He looked very nervous. (laugh);-D We had a BBQ terrace. We ate lot of things! And drank much beer! It was good! I like beer very much.(also sake and shocyu.)
And next day, I and my boyfriend made a lunch for my family. Pilaf with tomato sauce,beef,tomato salad with onion and vegetable soup. My family said "Good taste!" We were very happy!

I went to wedding reception with my family 2 weeks ago. The bride were very beautiful and cute so much! A white wedding dress was very good! And bridegroom is a member of the Japanese Self-Defense Forces so he wore a special suit. It was also cool! They looked very happy. I also became happy. I want to wear a red dress when I marry.:-)
I thought wedding reception makes people happy!! Yeah!!

I read The Chronicles of Narnia. Have you ever read this before? This story is similar to Harry Potter series. There is a Lion who is king of NARNIA. All animals can speak in NARNIA. I think it's wonderful!!!! If I could go to NARNIA, I will make many animal friends. I want to talk with animals. Some of my friends say for me "Are you children!?" =laugh= What do you think about it?
When I saw Harry Potter I thought I wish I could use magic! I think I am dreamy person!!
Lunch box!:^)
Takoyaki party!

I made takoyaki with my boyfriend at my home. I bought a takoyaki machine for 998 yen at Donki! It was very cheap!;-D Yes! I'm a luck girl!
First of all,I and Eiji went shopping to buy some ingredients. But we didn't buy some octopus because my part time job owner gave me some octopus.:^) We bought a flour,eggs,cabbage and takoyaki sauce.
We made about 60 takoyaki for lunch! We made too much!! hahaha
Did you see sky???

Did you see the sky last Saturday? There were 5 or 6 jet airliners in sky! I was so surprised with them. I thought that the war has started! =laugh=:^) And the jet plane drew some picture. For example heart mark,many circles and something like that. It moved me to cheer! I hope you can understand the picture.
Kumamoto castle
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